Wednesday 18 May 2011

doing anything and everything except for revision.

Like posting on here.

I can't actually get to my desk in my room due to the amount of Doctor Who Magazines scattered on the floor, colouring pencils, Sims disks, clothes, uni prospectuses, easter egg wrappers, Doctor Who models and replicas (like my DT doll in his lush pinstriped suit and brown coat <3) and DVDs alike.

That's a good excuse to waste another few hours cleaning up my room!

Never thought I'd say that...

Wednesday 13 April 2011


Sorry, just a late congratulations to David and Georgia on the birth of their baby girl, Olivia on 31st March.

Damn, it's a girl, maybe I can marry the next one ;).

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Enough said.

Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year Resolutions.

Happy new yeeeeeear!

My resolutions are as follows:
- Get a job
- Pass my driving theory
- Pass my driving practical
- Get all As in my ASs
- Turn 18!!

I've never ever kept any resolutions before now, so this'll be interesting!
2011 is going to be one of the biggest in my life...
And hopefully one of the best?