Monday 1 March 2010


Good News: Parties this month. Can't bloody wait. I have to have some fun for once. Also, AVPM. It's about the only thing that makes me smile at the moment, apart from my best friends.

"Hey, you."

"Good luck getting off this impenitrable island."

"My little foot. One tiny foot."

"To dance agaaaaaaaaain."

"That is a BOSS Zefron poster."

"Whaaaaaat?! Poller?! How many times do I have to kill you, boy?!"

Bad News:

I dreamt about you the other night. Again.
Get out of my head.

And Mum, Dad - I don't want a bloody summer job. I'll live off my savings instead. Once they've run out, THEN I'll get a stupid job.
Urgh :'(.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. POLLER?!?!
    Love AVMP.
    Love you.
    You can always chat to me about anything, remember :) <3 xxx
