Wednesday 24 November 2010


Hello, it's me again... long time no see, huh?

I don't really know why I'm writing this, due to the fact that nothing significant has really happened, but yeahhh.


- I went to see HARRY POTTER!!!! *cough*. HARRY FREAKING POTTER. It was awesome.
- All my subjects are going reaaaally well, so I'm very pleased - at the beginning I wasn't sure they'd work out, what with all the workload, but although there IS a lot of work, I'm handling it well.
- I'm making loads of new friends that I feel like I've known for a lot longer than just 2 months <3.
- Photography and art are getting proper exciting tbh. Own individual projects :D. But both deadlined at the same time :/.
- Feeling a lot healthier generally, those brisk walks really do help.
- Not feeling so angry now as I did earlier this year, which must be a good sign! I'm not in a super amazing mood all the time tbh, but I'm a lot more positive.
- My spots are receeding and my eyesight isn't changing (which is a first for this time of year since about year 4)!!
- Feel more confident in who I am. For some reason, in these last few months I've decided that I'll show the real me, whether other people like it or not, rather than hiding away and being self conscious. I'm not saying I'm some loud outgoing person, but I'm not as afraid to talk to people or to have a laugh. I've been too serious in the past.
- In some ways I'm not missing the past, cause it wasn't that great most of the time, but in some ways there are little things that were good that I want to keep the same... 'cept they're not.
- In an arty mood CONSTANTLY cause of my subjects... but that's not a bad thing, right?
- Found more patience for those who were seriously annoying before.
- Driving lessons are amaaaaaaaaze! Gone up to 70mph on my 6th lesson in gear 5, done two lane roundabouts, three point turns and parrallel parking. S'all good.
- The apprentice is on tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mood of the Day: Content, but busy.
Random Fact: On November the 11th, I got 73 pageviews on DeviantArt!

UNT. xx

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