Thursday 1 April 2010

April Fool's Gay.

I'm not usually this happy on Thursdays. :)
Finally, it's the holidays. You don't know how glad I am to get away from that place for the next two weeks. Although, there are plenty of remiders that I will encounter for the next fortnight to remind me of that bloody place. In the form of homework. In the form of art exam prep work. In the form of revision.

So, tbh, it's not really a holiday.

Then it's back to school for 18 days. And then it's all over. Well, not OVER. I still have exams, but y'know what I mean.


As much as I think that place is a shit hole atm, I will miss it. I've had a great past 5 years and have made so many great friends and shared just about as many memories as someone can have in a whole lifetime. That school and the people in it have made me into what I am today.

Thank you, everyone, for being there in the best five years of my life. It wouldn't be right without you.

Wow. Deep.

Now to Microsoft Excel to make a revision timetable.

As I said - that place is a shit hole. ;)

Until next time.

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