Sunday 23 May 2010


Hello again Bloggers :)

Just a quick update on my oh-so-interesting life:

- I'm shitting myself about my English Lit exam on Tuesday.
- It's sunny!
- Unfortunately, at the same time as my revision schedules ¬¬
- I seem to be developing a much bigger and more unhealthy obsession with deviantART recently. Probably because my brain wants to escape the 'PANIC! THERE'S EXAMS!' mode. I do spend a lot of time I should be spending revising on these silly little devART contests and stuff that I never win, but I absolutely love doing it anyway and I want more page views ;). Therefore, I have come up with a cool idea to measure the average amount of page views I get per day, starting from today...

Current DevART Page Views: 856.

Until next time.

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