Sunday 20 December 2009

Last post 9th December? Woah.

Well, it is now the christmas holidays.

And Thursday was amazing.
My god. I had such a good time. Lets just say I would never ever ever have done that if I was in a year below. I don't really understand what came over me to be honest. It was bloody fantastic though.

Oh, and special thanks to people who cheered for us in the crowd. It's these little things that make it all worth-while :').

Friday was pointless, but it snowed, so it wasn't all bad news.
Hannah came over after school and we played in the snow.
Burying my legs, rolling down hills which were prime places for dog fouling.

Life doesn't get any better than that(Y).

Since then, I've been extremely dizzy and I feel like I'm going down with a cold. Ah well, after too much of a good thing, that was to be expected.

Until next time.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

I feel like a volcano.

I'm sick of being angry, pissed off and generally in a bad mood. I really try to hide it, but it'll stop working very soon. I don't want anyone else to be put down by my feelings, so I try like hell to dumb the feeling down. However, the more I try to be happy, the more I get angry and upset because it's all just an act.

I haven't had a good day in about 4 weeks. I'm not kidding. Please please can I have a reasonably good day tomorrow?

I think not.


All I can think about is next week. I hope i'm in a good mood then, although there are several reasons why I won't be. I must not ruin it for everyone else.

Until next time.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Life is a blur.

Arrghh, so many feelings all at once... happiness, confusion, fear, doubt, worry, excitement, annoyance, tiredness... you name it.

Many things are going on at the moment in my life. I find it hard to keep on top of things. Everyday is often a fast blur. I always need to remember meetings, arrangements, things to hand in, coursework to complete. I list goes on. I never have a enough time.

Before I know it, a whole week has passed by and it still feels like a Monday. Some people might think that that's a good thing. I don't though, I feel like I have no time for anything other than stuff that matters. I suppose it keeps my mind on things that I'm not that keen on, but I always have a to do list as long as my arm. There we go, back to the to do lists!

And on top of all this, I don't feel so great. I have a stomache ache. I may be going down with a bug. My mum told me I looked peaky.

Strangely, I'm still pretty content with life at the moment. I don't want the everyday blur to slow down just yet, cause it'll cause me to think to much and too deeply.

A bit like I'm doing now...

Until next time.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Je suis MERDE ¬¬

Oui, je suis merde when it comes to le francais.

I just can't believe how bad I did in my speaking exam today...
ARGH! :(.

I almost cried at the end.
I got out of the exam and I didn't know whether to cry due to the shitness of my exam or laugh because it's the end of my mocks - FINALLY!

I was going to treat myself with no work tonight, and just drawing and painting instead, but no. Geography coursework due in for tomorrow unless I want to be in isolation on Panto Day.

WTF, all the humanities teachers think that Mrs D has gone mad. So do the pupils, unsurprisingly.

*I need you..*

Until next time.