Friday 6 November 2009

29 Days.

Okay, I'm sorry if I sound angry. Well, it's because I am.

I got home from school today and went to my iPod cause I felt like listening to some music. I turned it on and pressed play. What. The. Actual. F**k.

1. The headphones sounded so SO tinny.Nothing like what they sounded like yesterday.
2. Not only were the headphones playing, if you took them out of your ears, you could hear the music being played from the iPod itself. Like as if you have speakers on it. It doesn't have speakers and I've checked and it is NOT meant to do that AT ALL. (And no, it wasn't because the headphones were loud and I could hear them from far away.
3. If I fiddled with the volume, the sound on the outside of the iPod (the 'speakers' which aren't there) it would go up and down as instructed. The headphones however, stayed at the same volume, constantly.
4. I turned it off and on again about 15 times. Still the same. I plugged it into the computer and disconnected it again. I even changed the headphones. It would not work normally. It is screwed.

And guess how long I've had it. 2 years? No. 1 Year? No. 6 Months? No.

29 Days. Just 29.

We're going to send it back of course, but I'm still so SO angry.


Until next time, when hopefully my iPod is fixed, or I will have a replacement.

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