Wednesday 4 November 2009

"Don't throw Marshall Mathers in the bin!"

Wow, it's been a while..

I wake up in the morning feeling like Liz Hilly :L

School was SUCH a drag today. I got into last lesson and I said to Lucy 'it feels like 6 in the evening!'. Lunch was funny though. I was talking about how recently Eminem has died his hair black from his previous platinum blonde look (which isn't his best move tbh) and I decided to show my friends what he now looks like by drawing him. I ended up drawing him on a panini wrapper (Y). I did it, but it didn't turn out so great :L he also had a pointy hoodie on (lol Evie). I have had the song 'Tik Tok' in my head all day since then, after changing the lyrics to 'I wake up in the morning feeling like Liz Hilly....' and 'not a care in the world but I've got plenty of hair'. :L so funny.

Anyway. I'm going to go to Holy Trinity 6th form open evening later. Woop. They don't even do graphics. I don't know why I'm bothering tbh.

Until next time.


  1. Ain't got a care in the world but got plenty of BLEEP! :) Love you Liz Hilly

  2. Liz Hilly (: i loved it. and his pointy hoodie (:
