Thursday 28 January 2010

Taylor Shit.

I swear, if my sister plays Taylor Swift ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to kill something.

I used to think her music was okay, but not when my sister plays the same CD every time she walks into her bedroom.



Until next time.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Lyrics of my Life (8)

Here are some lyrics that sum up my life at the moment. I know some of them will seem like they don't sound like they relate to me, but not everyone knows everything about me :P.

I wish that when I wake up you're there
To wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you'll stay by side

Sweet Dreams - Beyonce

Another promise, another scene, another
Package not to keep us trapped in greed with all the
Green belts wrapped around our minds and endless
Red tape to keep the truth confined, so come on

Uprising - Muse

Wake up in the morning feeling like LizHilly ;)

Tik Tok - Ke$ha

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I wait for you

If you go, if you go
Leaving me here on my own
Well I wait for you

Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Yeah, how long must you pay for him?
Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

In My Place - Coldplay (I like Coldplay, deal with it :P)

Oh no, what's this?
A spider web, and I'm caught in the middle,
So I turned to run,
The thought of all the stupid things I've done.

Trouble - Coldplay

Same song and dance
Damn everywhere I go
Same song and dance.

Same Song and Dance - Eminem

Sometimes in life you'll fall apart,
Sometimes in life you'll break your heart,
One day you'll realise,
That you'll be alright.

Sometimes - Chipmunk

I Wonder if he knows he's on my radar, on my radar.

Radar - Britney Spears :L

And you can see my heart beating,
You can see it through my chest,
I'm terrified but I'm not leaving,
Know that I can pass this test.

Russian Roulette - Rihanna

I don't know what it is,
That makes me feel like this,
I don't know who you are,
But you must be some kind of superstar.

Superstar - Jamelia

I will pull down a cloud for you,
I will circle the stars and give you one back,
I will walk to the sun for you,
Cause theirs something you do
Thats got me walking on the moon.

Walkin' On The Moon - The Dream feat. Kanye West
Puuuut ittt
In the microwaaaaave
What can we dooo nooow
Go back to beeeed
(Back to bed you bastard!)

The Curry Song


Until next time.

Tuesday 26 January 2010


Hello :).

I haven't really done much work today, which I'm regretting tbh.
I will be going to an ICT spa tomorrow to catch up with my coursework.
I am annoying a lot of people. Not purposefully. I can tell they're annoyed with me. For instance, I talk to a few people and then I turn round. Just before I turn round, I can see their heads move closer together, and when I turn back round, they look away. I'm not stupid y'know. I can tell when people are talking about me behind my back. I get it - You think i'm a freak.
Actually, it's called individuality. Go look it up in a dictionary.
That's about the only thing that's getting me down really. Apart from that I'm pretty happy this week. I'm trudging along, waiting for the weekend.
Then I'll be able to have a nice 12 hour sleep, which I desperately need.
Therefore, I'm off to bed early tonight. I might do a little bit of Geography revision, too.

Night All,

Until next time.

P.S - To a friend or two in need, I'm thinking of you :). I hope your situation gets better soon and that you try to ignore what other people say. I usually do. xx

Monday 25 January 2010

Sugar and spice and all things nice :)

For your entertainment, I have devised a blog post consisting of all my favourite things. :D

1. Favourite colour - lovely aqua/turquoise/teal colours.
2. Favourite drink - Orange Juice and Lemonade.
3. Favourite meal - Lasagne all the way.
4. TV Show - Doctor Who, closely followed by Hustle and the Apprentice. HUSTLE'S ON IN 2 AND A HALF HOURS! :D
5. Favourite celebrity male - Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe DAVID TENNANT! :D
6. Favourite celebrity female - Don't have the foggiest.
7. Favourite comedian - Harry Hill FTW. Followed by Dara O'Briain
8. Favourite school subject - Art :)
9. Favourite animal - Kitty cats
10. Favourite game - Sims 3.
11. Item of clothing - Gotta be fitted t-shirts with a long sleeved top underneath. I don't own many long sleeved tops. Boring huh.
12. Favourite makeup item - Black Pencil Eyeliner.
13. Favourite day - Saturday.
14. Favourite season - Summer.
15. Favourite month - July.
16. Favourite song - Either 'Morning After' by Timbaland OR 'Taking My Ball' by Eminem.
17. Favourite artist - Eminem
18. Favourite place - St. Ives, Oh, the memories :) (L)
19. Favourite Doctor Who episode - I actually don't have a bloody clue. I love every single one <3
20. Favourite cereal - Coco Pops. I'd like to say Honey Nut Shredded Wheat, but I don't like Shredded Wheat much. It's like eating a doormat. Sorry David, I love you really :).

Now you have a more detailed insight into my life. Hope you enjoyed it.

What a complete waste of time.

Until next time.

Friday 22 January 2010

Weekend :)

I'm with the lovely Hannah Jones :D.
We're going to have a great time.

And we think David is hot stuff.
Hottie Scottie Tottie.


Over and out.

Until next time.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Puddle of squee.

I'm sorry, but could this man actually get any hotter?


That'll be all.

Until next time.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Well done David :)

Basically, both of my science exams are over (thank the lord!) and they went okay. The chemistry one I found easier than the Physics, but i'm trying to forget all about them now until we get our results :).

I have a 1 and 3/4 hour geography exam next friday though, but I'm not too worried about it tbh.

I'm all hyped up right now because David (L) won an NTA award for best drama performance, and Doctor Who won for best Drama. Unsurprisingly, I voted for both, which means that my vote may have been the difference between winning and losing. This however is very unlikely, because DT and Doctor Who won hands down in my opinion(Y).

David, if you're reading (HA! Yeah right.) you SO deserved those awards. Oh, and I love you. Did I mention that?

I'm looking forward to Friday and Saturday with Hannah!! Can't wait :D. ST TRINIANS!!!! *cough*

Things to do before Hannah comes round:
- English composition homework
- Graphics Coursework (although I may do that on Sunday)
- Personal Statement (I'll probably do that on Sunday too)
- Tidy room (that'll never happen)
- Do some of my own research for geography exam
- Go to the dentist tomorrow
- Sign up for parents evening prefect duty
- Burn my science revision notes (not quite literally.... although...)
- Find some money (or borrow some from my parents) to pay for the weekend

Things to do Next Week:
- Remember to go to yoga on monday
- Attend an Art SPA on Tuesday
- Remember to stay after the Art SPA for prefect duty til 5:30
- Go to an ICT SPA (or 2)
- Top up my phone
- Get some make up remover wipes
- Draw something nice :)
- And whatever the hell my head comes up with after I write this.

Until next time.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Mr. Block <3

Urgh. Revision, revision, revision.
Today I did two test papers and another hour and a half from a textbook.
How exciting. Oh well, I suppose it's for a good cause.

I also watched Secret Smile for the first time evr today, following a discussion on the DT forum about it. I decided to take a look. The role he plays is... well.. quite different from the usual, but the was he plays the main character is fantastic, if not a little creepy.

He's rather gorgeous!

... Is that weird?

If you think it isn't, then you've probably either never seen it OR you're as obsessed with David as I am, so you overlook the complete creepiness.

It's weird. I'm seriously tired, and I only got up less than 10 hours ago. I haven't even been out today..

Until next time.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


I'm a bit nervous tbh. I don't know what it is, but I think something bad is going to happen in the next few days. I can feel it. :/.

I also feel really cut off too at the moment. I don't know whether it's just me. I feel like I'm annoying people. I bet you anything that the people who just read that sentence are now thinking 'Yes! You are annoying!'. Everyone knows I get irritated about several things - one of my other new years resolutions it to try and control my anger and frustration at the slightest thing. Of course, I do slip up occasionally. I'm only human. I mean, I haven't lashed out or anything (my door's still in-tact ;)), but I do sometimes snap at people. Afterwards I always wish I haden't done it, but sometimes you just can't help it. And I think it's because of this occasional snapping that I can tell people are annoyed with me.

And if you are reading, and you're annoyed with me, please come up front with it. I won't take any offense. I'd prefer you to say it now than let it 'brew' for a while and then something unpleasant will happen.

Or perhaps it's just me being paranoid.

Until next time.

Sunday 10 January 2010

The David Tennant Forum is my life.

Happy Christmas.
Sorry, a little bit late there. :P

Oh, and Happy New Year.
Except mine wasn't all that happy.
David Tennant left Doctor Who. And I cried. A lot.

Right, so nothing much has changed really. Everyone I know is saying 'new year, new decade, new start!'. Yeah, right. Like that's ever going to happen.
I'm stuck in the same life that to be honest isn't very interesting at all. It's so bad that sometimes I can't remember what happened the day before. :/.

My new year resolution is the same as it has been for the past 4 years -
To meet David Tennant.

I will probably never meet this goal until I go to heaven after I have died.
That is a hell of a lot of similar new years resolutions!

School started last monday again, and they're really starting to put the pressure on. Except.. well, they're trying to at least. THANK YOU SNOW!
Seriously. There was absolutely no point in going back at all last week. I spent 3 days solid on the DT Forum apart from getting up to make Craig the snowman.

Oh well, this week is meant to run as normal. In some ways, I'm glad cause I'm getting pretty annoyed at the snow now, because it isnt really snow at all. It's ice. And getting icy-er. The buses arent running and my parents refuse to take me into school, so I have taken to walking to school.

Oh, the thrill of going to school and not knowing whether you'll be in A and E by the end of the day.

Until next time.