Monday 25 January 2010

Sugar and spice and all things nice :)

For your entertainment, I have devised a blog post consisting of all my favourite things. :D

1. Favourite colour - lovely aqua/turquoise/teal colours.
2. Favourite drink - Orange Juice and Lemonade.
3. Favourite meal - Lasagne all the way.
4. TV Show - Doctor Who, closely followed by Hustle and the Apprentice. HUSTLE'S ON IN 2 AND A HALF HOURS! :D
5. Favourite celebrity male - Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe DAVID TENNANT! :D
6. Favourite celebrity female - Don't have the foggiest.
7. Favourite comedian - Harry Hill FTW. Followed by Dara O'Briain
8. Favourite school subject - Art :)
9. Favourite animal - Kitty cats
10. Favourite game - Sims 3.
11. Item of clothing - Gotta be fitted t-shirts with a long sleeved top underneath. I don't own many long sleeved tops. Boring huh.
12. Favourite makeup item - Black Pencil Eyeliner.
13. Favourite day - Saturday.
14. Favourite season - Summer.
15. Favourite month - July.
16. Favourite song - Either 'Morning After' by Timbaland OR 'Taking My Ball' by Eminem.
17. Favourite artist - Eminem
18. Favourite place - St. Ives, Oh, the memories :) (L)
19. Favourite Doctor Who episode - I actually don't have a bloody clue. I love every single one <3
20. Favourite cereal - Coco Pops. I'd like to say Honey Nut Shredded Wheat, but I don't like Shredded Wheat much. It's like eating a doormat. Sorry David, I love you really :).

Now you have a more detailed insight into my life. Hope you enjoyed it.

What a complete waste of time.

Until next time.

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