Wednesday 20 January 2010

Well done David :)

Basically, both of my science exams are over (thank the lord!) and they went okay. The chemistry one I found easier than the Physics, but i'm trying to forget all about them now until we get our results :).

I have a 1 and 3/4 hour geography exam next friday though, but I'm not too worried about it tbh.

I'm all hyped up right now because David (L) won an NTA award for best drama performance, and Doctor Who won for best Drama. Unsurprisingly, I voted for both, which means that my vote may have been the difference between winning and losing. This however is very unlikely, because DT and Doctor Who won hands down in my opinion(Y).

David, if you're reading (HA! Yeah right.) you SO deserved those awards. Oh, and I love you. Did I mention that?

I'm looking forward to Friday and Saturday with Hannah!! Can't wait :D. ST TRINIANS!!!! *cough*

Things to do before Hannah comes round:
- English composition homework
- Graphics Coursework (although I may do that on Sunday)
- Personal Statement (I'll probably do that on Sunday too)
- Tidy room (that'll never happen)
- Do some of my own research for geography exam
- Go to the dentist tomorrow
- Sign up for parents evening prefect duty
- Burn my science revision notes (not quite literally.... although...)
- Find some money (or borrow some from my parents) to pay for the weekend

Things to do Next Week:
- Remember to go to yoga on monday
- Attend an Art SPA on Tuesday
- Remember to stay after the Art SPA for prefect duty til 5:30
- Go to an ICT SPA (or 2)
- Top up my phone
- Get some make up remover wipes
- Draw something nice :)
- And whatever the hell my head comes up with after I write this.

Until next time.

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