Sunday 25 October 2009

Holiday tomorrow :)

Does what it says on the tin :)

Thursday 22 October 2009


Hello everyone :)

So, I am pleased and quite happy for once (Yes! I know! It's a miracle!).
It turns out, after my godmother went into hospital to have her corrupted cysts on her ovaries taken out, the doctors etc. ended up not removing them. :) She still had to be operated on, but only so they could see the problem. The good news is that she is making a speedy recovery :D.

I have also been listening to some amazingly uplifting songs and I feel really great about tomorrow and half term :). I'm going on holidayyyyyyy (Y).

Anyways. I'm off to sort out my hair and then paint my nails for pink day tomorrow.
Three guesses which colour I'm going to paint them ;)

Until next time.

P.S- SALMON PINK! What's the betting Hannah ;) :L

Tuesday 20 October 2009


Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everyone has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through?
Are you reaching out for me,
and I'm reaching out for you

I'm just so fuckin' depressed
I just can seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump
But I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises, took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up
I don't know how I pry away
And I ended up in this position I'm in
I'm starting to feel distant again
So I decided just to beat this pain
Up and tried to make an attempt to vent
But I just can't admit
Or come to grips,
With the fact that I may be done with rap
I need a new outlet
I know some shits so hard to swallow
And I just can't sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow
But I know one fact I'll be one tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
But you have to walk a thousand miles

In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you

I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor
Everything is so tense and gloom I
Almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room
Just as soon as I walk in It's like all eyes on me
So I try to avoid any eye contact
Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation
Like I want that...
I'm not looking for extra attention
I just want to be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room
Maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need fu-cking man servant
Tryin to follow me around, and wipe my ass
Laugh at every single joke I crack
And half of them ain't even funny like that
Ahh Marshall, you're so funny man, you should be a comedian,
god damn
Unfortunately I am, but I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down
Listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell, we don't have to trade our shoes
And you don't have to walk no thousand miles

In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what It'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you

Nobody asked for life to deal us
With these bullshit hands with doubt
We have to take these cards ourselves
And flip them, don't expect no help
Now I could have either just
Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned
But take this situation in which I'm placed in
And get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid
To wait but I know to unpack his bags
Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed
For a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in
Every single place
Every school I went I dreamed of being that cool kid
Even if it meant acting stupid
Aunt Edna always told me
Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that
Meanwhile I'm just standing there
Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this
Till I stuck my tongue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old
I learned my lesson and cause
I wasn't tryin to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story
Not just based on my description
Cause where you see it from where you're sitting
Is probably 110% different
I guess we would have to walk a mile
In each other's shoes, at least
What size you wear?
I wear tens
Let's see if you can fit your feet

In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
All be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what I'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes
But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, oh,
They can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you

Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everyone has a private world
Where they can be alone...
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you

Yea... To my babies. Stay strong.
Daddy will be home soon
And to the rest of the world, god gave you the shoes
That fit you,
So put em on and wear em
And be yourself man,
be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny,
Don't ever let no one tell you,
You ain't beautiful.

Monday 19 October 2009


I'm baaaaack! St Ives was AMAZING!!!!!
Here's what happened: (it might go on a little bit)

Thursday: Freaking excited as hell. 3 and a half hours, deliberating to buy a dr who adventures magazine, and bumping into collyers later... And we were at a sculpture museum? Yay. Actually, it wasnt half as bad as I expected. :) Then we went to our amazing youth hostel that we stayed in half way to St Ives. It was cool except for a few things: It was on a fraking hill. A muddy one. We had to get out of the coach, walk up the hill and wait for the coach to reverse up the hill. It took him 10 goes before he gave up. Typical man. Won't be proven wrong. While everyone who was standing at the top of this hill was shouting 'forget it! It's not going to happen!'. So we got to the hostel, and left the coach pretty much in a ditch. We couldn't wait to get into our 8 bed room! :) .... Hang on.... there's only 6 beds! Miss D had to choose 2 people to move :(. But yeah, after that happened, we had a cool dinner and then had a massage session, during which, Miss Conti came in and thought we were being a bit mental. Oh, and everyone wanted one of my punchy massages ;) (Y).

Friday: We were held up because the coach driver found out that the wing mirror had fallen off the coach thanks to his unsucessful reversing up a hill. Great. So, naturally, he duck-taped it back on. (Y). We went to the Eden Project that day. It was freaking enormous. But good. We had a look around the biomes (biological domes) and did some sketches, which I finished later at the next youth hostel. We also got an amazing tractor rideto the shop there cause it was so far away. The guy who was running it was jealous of Lucy's alpen bar and asked whether he could have one. So, we sorted it out and found another one to give to the guy when we got a tractor ride back... except he wasn't there. Perfect. Then, a coach journey of another 3 hours to get to the next hostel. Or should I say hotel. This is because you'd probably think it was a hotel from inside if it didnt have a youth hostel sign. It was that posh. :D.

Saturday: We were finally going to St Ives. We had to park at the top of the town because the roads were so small, a coach couldn't possibly drive through it without worrying it's duck-taped wing mirror might come off again.This was great for a quick easy run down towards the town, but a tiny bit of a trek when we decided to come back again, to say the least. But wow. St Ives was absolutely beautiful. There's no place quite like it. The weather was amazing, without a cloud in the sky. Amazing sandy beaches with clear water. As Becca quoted 'I've been to Spain and these beaches are better!'. I shall put up some photos here later. So, we went to a Barbara Hepworth sculpture garden and then to the Tate. That wasn't so good, but it meant we had 2 hours of free time which meant - SHOPPING!! :D

And.. I got PWNED. (Lol hannah). By a seagull. I'm not kidding. I was sitting there with my yummy coconut ice cream in the harbour. A flapping noise right next to my right ear, and then a crunch and a bit of a nip on my left index finger. A seagull had taken and eaten my ice cream. Oh yes, that's how great my life is (Y). It felt as if it had taken half my finger with it too. It bit me!!

Sunday: 7 hour coach journey back. What a load of sh-

And today. Well, aren't I lucky. I went on a geography trip, to take photos of a river. Woop!

I'll stop now, before your eyes fall out from going back and forth over the screen.

Until next time.

Monday 12 October 2009

Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside.

Today wasn't too bad, considering it was the worst day of the week :)
It's probably because I only have 3 school days this week. Jealous much? Oh yeah, and 4 days next week (H). We had a hilarious graphics lesson with some random teacher thats lost a few of his marbles, lets just say. He was reading out the register and he goes 'Betty?' and then repeats 'Betttttttty?' in an incredulous and impossibly high voice. :L And we watched the Vicar of Dibley in RE.

I went to yoga today, hurt my wrists trying to get myself upside down with my feet off the floor at the same time. I think it's called the chair. I managed it though, and it was cool. However, I did feel a lump at the top of my head from earlier in the day when I cracked my head on the ceiling of our creaky old school bus. Good times. Hope your foot gets better Hanny :).

Now I am doing my ICT homework that I should really have done about a week ago but I couldn't be bothered to do it then because it is a two week homework and I might as well do it the night before it is due in (Y). It's giving me a headache. I've typed up two whole A4 pages of writing, font size 12 in about half an hour. That probably isnt doing my wrists much good either. Come to think of it, neither is typing this blog. What else am I doing? Oh the usual, listening to Eminem for change, and rapping along... I wish Hannah was here so I could rap at her like I did sometime ages ago. I don't think I've ever seen her look so scared in her life. Ah well, she just can't take the fact that I was born to rap and my ambition is to do a duet with Mr. Marshall Mathers himself. Yes, I do know his real name. ;)

Anyway, I shall leave you with some funky lyrics that I hope you will memorise for future use whenever you probably wont need to use them. Except you probably don't even care about them and will forget them as soon as you go off my blog page. :)

My personal Favourite ;):

Everybody only wants to dis-cuss me
So this must mean I'm dis-gus-ting
But it's just me
I'm just obscene!

Until next time.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Wow. Erm, I would have posted this straight after my party but I really havent had time at all. I had a fantastic day and party! Thanks to everyone who was there for making it a great day :) (and for the presents). And yes, Hannah, it is worthy of blogging. I'm trying to save some of the chocolate I've got for St Ives but it's a little bit difficult ;)

At the moment, I'm uploading many many many many CDs onto itunes and therefore my (new) iPod. Boy are there a lot of albums... 38 albums to be precise. And that's without buying anything from the itunes store... don't even ask how long that took me ;)

My grandma came down from London today. She bought me an easel and a paintbrush (one of those proper expensive ones) for my birthday, just like I asked :D Thanks Grandma! Not that you're reading this... you don't have a computer, and even if you did, you wouldn't know what the on switch looks like.. No offense :)

Right. I'm off to watch a bit of the X Factor that isn't just waffling about how hard their lives are and how much they deserve to win. I pray to god that either Kandy Rain or John and Edward go tonight...

Until Next Time.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Changes are not always good.

I don't care if this is the second blog I've posted in about 3 hours.

So, as I mentioned earlier, I went on the DT forum for the first time in about 3 weeks. I thought it would be nice, but actually it's just made me feel like total s**t.

I found a thread. About the changes being made to Doctor who once Matt Smith takes over. I took a look. I knew there was going to be a new writer, assisstant and Doctor. That doesn't matter so much, I can handle that. Well, apart from the last bit.

Anyway. I read the thread from start to finish, a big lump developing in my throat. Basically, this is what I found:

'Too many changes, all at once. They're wiping Nine and Ten off of the face of the Earth. New Doctor, new companion, new sonic, new TARDIS, new logo, they even called it series 1. '.

Okay, you might be thinking wtf is the matter with you? Yeah, well. People who know me know that it is a VERY big deal to me.

I hadn't a CLUE they had changed that much. They're calling it series 1!?!? The TARDIS looks like utter plasticy rubbish, the new sonic screwdriver looks like a tampon and the new logo, well. Look for yourself. Google it. It's like the new updated series never happened. It's just gone back to the 70's. Tacky, cheesy and people will make fun of it. I will not let this happen. Well, I can't stop it, but I can moan about it. And if you think I'm joking about this matter, you're very wrong. Change is good, I know that. Things have to move on. But changing everything in one go so it looks like Doctor 9 and 10 never existed? Are you out of your mind Steven Moffatt? Go die in a hole :(. The BBC have dealt with this SO badly.

So, ladies and gents. I will declare this. I will give you one chance. I will watch the first episode of 'Series 1' as it will be called (urgh.) and decide. I will decide whether you have ruined one of the most successful shows in British history, which happens to be my favourite show. You will have one chance, Matt Smith and Steven Moffat, one chance. If I'm not impressed, I will never watch it again. Unless David Tennant is in it for some random reason.

... I can't handle it. :'(

Until next time.


Rainn go away :(
Trust me not to bring an umbrella to school today..
I'm hoping it doesn't rain on my birthday! I'm just checking the weather forecast now...

Anyway, I was just on facebook and I found an amazing little picture of someone I love very dearly ;) Unfortunately it wasn't Hannah (sorry!).

W.O.W. xD *Drools*
Which reminds me:
1) I haven't been on the DT site very recently.. I must go on it soon.. or rather, now,
2) I really need to remember that he's on the SJAs later this month (but don't fret - I wont forget! I added it to my Doctor Who calendar ;) )
3) He is the hottest man alive!

Urh, yes... There was something else I was going to talk about but I can't remember after being *slightly* side tracked....

Oh yeah, I thought you would like to know that I thought I had a computer virus yesterday, but after scanning it a few minutes ago, it turns out I don't have one :) Happy times. When all of those 20,000 internet windows came up, I must have been leaning on the keyboard or something.

So. I checked the weather forecast and it looks like this:

Sunny Intervals
Max: 17°C 63°F
Sunrise: 07:15

Hmmm... It'll be a little drizzly then.. But at least it looks better than today (touch wood).
That's good.

Until next time.

P.s - Have a nice piano lesson Hannah! ;)

Sunday 4 October 2009

John and Edward.

Today I was getting SUPER excited about Friday. I actually cannot wait til my party. I found the most gorgeous mini dress (okay, okay it's not a ballgown, but it's close enough) but I'm not going to tell you what it looks like or where it came from because:
1) It's a surprise
2) My friends are reading this
3) The shop where I got it from is extremely embarrassing

I love my new dress :)

Umm, anyway. I have been doing a lot of homework and also I've been painting a load of decorations for the scene at my party (pop art of Twiggy etc) I'm looking forward to putting them up in Friday along with my many super cool lava lamps (Y). I need to revise for a science test tomorrow about atoms and nanotechnology (yawn). I aslso need to go over my script for my english speaking and listening, which is equally as exciting, but tbh I cba.

And, omg. I watched X Factor tonight (big up the X Factor massive ;) ) and it was pretty good. Except for two things:

- Jamie Archer
- John and Edward.

Firstly, that afro guy just completely bugs me. He's so full of himself!! I mean, I know I should empathise with his enormous hair situation but still. He's so annoying! (And, for the record, I hate anyone who sings along to Kings of Leon songs). But this is nothing compared to the tragic mistake that Louis (I hate him too) made when he decided to put those two stupid idiots through! They look about 12. Their hair sticks up so much I just want to go into the TV with a razor and cut it all off (and the same goes to the guy with the afro and with the mohecan or however you spell it)! Simon was right - they ARE the two most irritating people on the planet. I mean, at bootcamp with the 'Where's my twin? Oh here he is!' WTF was that about?!?! I'd be surprised if they made it through the first show tbh. I wish you could phone in to get people OFF of that show. I'd phone in several times. Urrh, yeah. I think I'd better shut up about them now...

Anyways... School photos tomorrow... gulp.
CHEESE! Smile that cheesey smile for the cameras so you can give a copy to your grandma to put on her mantelpiece with the ones from year 2! Sigh..

Until next time.

Saturday 3 October 2009

You're Useless!

Blimey. Where did that week go?
Okay, okay... Where do I start?

This week was the same as any other week.. basically boring as hell. My routine since the beginning of this school year has been:
- Get up later than I'm meant to
- Go to school
- Be annoyed at school
- Go home
- Eat
- Homework
- Bed.

I actually don't think that I have a life anymore...

Anyway. On Thursday I had my hair done. It actually turned out pretty well, except I'm not allowed to brush it... Which makes me look like I have just got out of bed, which I probably just have anyway.

Yesterday was good though. I went out socialising for once! It was pretty fun. Especially as it was BOGOF on drinks at Costa. I went there with a few friends, which turned out to be many many people that I had never met in my life before and full of fake people *cough*. It was still good though. Most of them seemed quite nice. Oh yeah, and someone tried to chat me up. Which is fine except he's a lot younger than me and I didn't actually know him at all. So yeah. That threw me a little :L. Why is it always me?

Also (Lol Briony) some chavs walked past us in town on the way to get picked up by my mum and said 'Oi, you got a lighter?' to which Briony replied 'No.' so, naturally they said 'You're useless!'. Actually, we weren't being useless. We were actually saving them from one fag closer to lung cancer. We should really get a medal for it. :L

6 DAYS! I'm going to try and get my party costume today. What's the betting I find a cheap ballgown from a charity shop? Lol. I'll try anyway. Also, does anyone know any sixties meal recipes that aren't too disgusting? I don't have a clue about the menu and the thing is in 6 days....

Until next time.