Sunday 11 October 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Wow. Erm, I would have posted this straight after my party but I really havent had time at all. I had a fantastic day and party! Thanks to everyone who was there for making it a great day :) (and for the presents). And yes, Hannah, it is worthy of blogging. I'm trying to save some of the chocolate I've got for St Ives but it's a little bit difficult ;)

At the moment, I'm uploading many many many many CDs onto itunes and therefore my (new) iPod. Boy are there a lot of albums... 38 albums to be precise. And that's without buying anything from the itunes store... don't even ask how long that took me ;)

My grandma came down from London today. She bought me an easel and a paintbrush (one of those proper expensive ones) for my birthday, just like I asked :D Thanks Grandma! Not that you're reading this... you don't have a computer, and even if you did, you wouldn't know what the on switch looks like.. No offense :)

Right. I'm off to watch a bit of the X Factor that isn't just waffling about how hard their lives are and how much they deserve to win. I pray to god that either Kandy Rain or John and Edward go tonight...

Until Next Time.

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