Sunday 4 October 2009

John and Edward.

Today I was getting SUPER excited about Friday. I actually cannot wait til my party. I found the most gorgeous mini dress (okay, okay it's not a ballgown, but it's close enough) but I'm not going to tell you what it looks like or where it came from because:
1) It's a surprise
2) My friends are reading this
3) The shop where I got it from is extremely embarrassing

I love my new dress :)

Umm, anyway. I have been doing a lot of homework and also I've been painting a load of decorations for the scene at my party (pop art of Twiggy etc) I'm looking forward to putting them up in Friday along with my many super cool lava lamps (Y). I need to revise for a science test tomorrow about atoms and nanotechnology (yawn). I aslso need to go over my script for my english speaking and listening, which is equally as exciting, but tbh I cba.

And, omg. I watched X Factor tonight (big up the X Factor massive ;) ) and it was pretty good. Except for two things:

- Jamie Archer
- John and Edward.

Firstly, that afro guy just completely bugs me. He's so full of himself!! I mean, I know I should empathise with his enormous hair situation but still. He's so annoying! (And, for the record, I hate anyone who sings along to Kings of Leon songs). But this is nothing compared to the tragic mistake that Louis (I hate him too) made when he decided to put those two stupid idiots through! They look about 12. Their hair sticks up so much I just want to go into the TV with a razor and cut it all off (and the same goes to the guy with the afro and with the mohecan or however you spell it)! Simon was right - they ARE the two most irritating people on the planet. I mean, at bootcamp with the 'Where's my twin? Oh here he is!' WTF was that about?!?! I'd be surprised if they made it through the first show tbh. I wish you could phone in to get people OFF of that show. I'd phone in several times. Urrh, yeah. I think I'd better shut up about them now...

Anyways... School photos tomorrow... gulp.
CHEESE! Smile that cheesey smile for the cameras so you can give a copy to your grandma to put on her mantelpiece with the ones from year 2! Sigh..

Until next time.

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