Monday 19 October 2009


I'm baaaaack! St Ives was AMAZING!!!!!
Here's what happened: (it might go on a little bit)

Thursday: Freaking excited as hell. 3 and a half hours, deliberating to buy a dr who adventures magazine, and bumping into collyers later... And we were at a sculpture museum? Yay. Actually, it wasnt half as bad as I expected. :) Then we went to our amazing youth hostel that we stayed in half way to St Ives. It was cool except for a few things: It was on a fraking hill. A muddy one. We had to get out of the coach, walk up the hill and wait for the coach to reverse up the hill. It took him 10 goes before he gave up. Typical man. Won't be proven wrong. While everyone who was standing at the top of this hill was shouting 'forget it! It's not going to happen!'. So we got to the hostel, and left the coach pretty much in a ditch. We couldn't wait to get into our 8 bed room! :) .... Hang on.... there's only 6 beds! Miss D had to choose 2 people to move :(. But yeah, after that happened, we had a cool dinner and then had a massage session, during which, Miss Conti came in and thought we were being a bit mental. Oh, and everyone wanted one of my punchy massages ;) (Y).

Friday: We were held up because the coach driver found out that the wing mirror had fallen off the coach thanks to his unsucessful reversing up a hill. Great. So, naturally, he duck-taped it back on. (Y). We went to the Eden Project that day. It was freaking enormous. But good. We had a look around the biomes (biological domes) and did some sketches, which I finished later at the next youth hostel. We also got an amazing tractor rideto the shop there cause it was so far away. The guy who was running it was jealous of Lucy's alpen bar and asked whether he could have one. So, we sorted it out and found another one to give to the guy when we got a tractor ride back... except he wasn't there. Perfect. Then, a coach journey of another 3 hours to get to the next hostel. Or should I say hotel. This is because you'd probably think it was a hotel from inside if it didnt have a youth hostel sign. It was that posh. :D.

Saturday: We were finally going to St Ives. We had to park at the top of the town because the roads were so small, a coach couldn't possibly drive through it without worrying it's duck-taped wing mirror might come off again.This was great for a quick easy run down towards the town, but a tiny bit of a trek when we decided to come back again, to say the least. But wow. St Ives was absolutely beautiful. There's no place quite like it. The weather was amazing, without a cloud in the sky. Amazing sandy beaches with clear water. As Becca quoted 'I've been to Spain and these beaches are better!'. I shall put up some photos here later. So, we went to a Barbara Hepworth sculpture garden and then to the Tate. That wasn't so good, but it meant we had 2 hours of free time which meant - SHOPPING!! :D

And.. I got PWNED. (Lol hannah). By a seagull. I'm not kidding. I was sitting there with my yummy coconut ice cream in the harbour. A flapping noise right next to my right ear, and then a crunch and a bit of a nip on my left index finger. A seagull had taken and eaten my ice cream. Oh yes, that's how great my life is (Y). It felt as if it had taken half my finger with it too. It bit me!!

Sunday: 7 hour coach journey back. What a load of sh-

And today. Well, aren't I lucky. I went on a geography trip, to take photos of a river. Woop!

I'll stop now, before your eyes fall out from going back and forth over the screen.

Until next time.

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