Monday 12 October 2009

Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside.

Today wasn't too bad, considering it was the worst day of the week :)
It's probably because I only have 3 school days this week. Jealous much? Oh yeah, and 4 days next week (H). We had a hilarious graphics lesson with some random teacher thats lost a few of his marbles, lets just say. He was reading out the register and he goes 'Betty?' and then repeats 'Betttttttty?' in an incredulous and impossibly high voice. :L And we watched the Vicar of Dibley in RE.

I went to yoga today, hurt my wrists trying to get myself upside down with my feet off the floor at the same time. I think it's called the chair. I managed it though, and it was cool. However, I did feel a lump at the top of my head from earlier in the day when I cracked my head on the ceiling of our creaky old school bus. Good times. Hope your foot gets better Hanny :).

Now I am doing my ICT homework that I should really have done about a week ago but I couldn't be bothered to do it then because it is a two week homework and I might as well do it the night before it is due in (Y). It's giving me a headache. I've typed up two whole A4 pages of writing, font size 12 in about half an hour. That probably isnt doing my wrists much good either. Come to think of it, neither is typing this blog. What else am I doing? Oh the usual, listening to Eminem for change, and rapping along... I wish Hannah was here so I could rap at her like I did sometime ages ago. I don't think I've ever seen her look so scared in her life. Ah well, she just can't take the fact that I was born to rap and my ambition is to do a duet with Mr. Marshall Mathers himself. Yes, I do know his real name. ;)

Anyway, I shall leave you with some funky lyrics that I hope you will memorise for future use whenever you probably wont need to use them. Except you probably don't even care about them and will forget them as soon as you go off my blog page. :)

My personal Favourite ;):

Everybody only wants to dis-cuss me
So this must mean I'm dis-gus-ting
But it's just me
I'm just obscene!

Until next time.

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