Sunday 20 June 2010


Readers, the images to your right give an indication of some of the immensly stange (but somehow pleasurable) dreams I have encountered.

Dear Dreams,

My oh my.

Everyone says that they forget their dreams as soon as they wake up. I don't. I remember at least one every day. I always dream, too. Most people struggle to dream, but I can't remember the last time I didn't. And I rarely have nightmares either. Thanks for that, btw.
Sometimes you don't make sense. Random people appear that I haven't seen in years. Other times you include people that I have never seen before (although this has been proven scientifically impossible) and I feel that, when I wake up, I should have known who they are. I woke up one night this week with my face screwed up as if I was crying; after having a dream that I got a 'B' for a subject in my GCSE results.
Sometimes you scare me rigid - like this one time that I saw flying saucers outside my bedroom window and David Tennant (dressed as the Doctor) was staring up at me underneath them, gesturing to come outside. So I did, and we ran, red lights and destruction everywhere around us, loud high pitched echoes in the inky blue sky, holding hands after promising we'd never let go; until he was struck down. I stayed with him on that muddy field, rain falling from the heavens, holding his limp body as he died slowly. The last thing he did was give me his sonic screwdriver. I imagined I fell asleep on that field from exhaustion; because when I woke up I thought I was still on that field. Except I wasn't - and my model sonic screwdriver was on my bedside table.
Sometimes you make me wish you were real. Like last night's dream where Hannah Jones and I went to a huge concert - more crowded that you have ever seen (seriously, it was like the population of a whole country) all there to see Eminem rapping on the stage at the front. Hannah and I were in the front row, and he was absolutely epic, and I felt the happiest I have ever felt in my life. He looked at me and everything. I woke up with great disappointment this morning.
Then you drive me completely insane. Like with all the realllllly weird David Tennant ones. I swear I am going crazy. I'm not decribing those ones ;).

Actually, I haven't had one of those David Tennant dreams in a while.. Hint hint.
Also, thanks, dreams, that you haven't given up on the Tenth Doctor thing. I would rip my brains out if I had a Matt Smith one. I'm glad part of my head hasn't noticed that he's regenerated yet.


Lizzy xx


  1. ahaaa, what a legend dream!
    if he ever comes to anywhere near horsham (!) we have to go ;)


  2. Haha! Oh yes, the heavenly frozen food isle :L xx
