Friday 18 June 2010



Dear Mum and Dad,

Thanks for supporting through everything, especially in the past 2 years. I'm sorry I don't help you much in return, but once my exams are over I promise I'll chip in more and pay you back for being there in the hardest times of my life. Thank you for raising me to be who I am, encouraging me to improve my skills and talents, no matter how different they are to your personal achievements. I'm sorry I'm not following an amazingly academic career, even though I'm able to, but I promise that I'll make you proud in the future. Thanks for not being majorly pushy and giving me enough freedom to make my own mistakes and learn from them.

Oh, and Dad, I have 2 exams left. They're the same subject and they're in about a weeks time. Please stop telling me that I need to go up to my room to study for 5 hours a day ;) :L.

With unconditional love,

Lizzy xxx

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